How to Make Grain Free Sweet Potato Dog Treats with Bullyade

sweet potato dog treats with bullyade

This sweet potato dog treat recipe is perfect for dogs that love cookies. We threw in some oats to make the pup cookies extra crunchy.

Benefits of Sweet Potato to Dogs

Sweet potato is a natural source of sugar in dog treats and has plenty of health benefits. As a root vegetable, sweet potato has more fiber than potatoes. In addition, sweet potatoes are a rich source of Vitamins A & C. Vitamin A is essential in dogs because it promotes muscle growth & strength, improves vision, and nourishes your dog’s skin and fur coat.

Vitamin C naturally boosts the immune system and helps in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a protein is important in the formation of teeth, skin, bones, tendons, and cartilage. If your dog receives his regular dose of vitamin C, he will recover faster from play and has a lower chance of developing muscle or joint inflammation.

So yes! Let Charlie have his healthy serving of sweet potatoes. If you are introducing sweet potatoes to your dog the first time, it is important that you do so moderately until he grows accustomed to the new palate. And we just have a sweet potato recipe to help you with that.


  • 2 Scoops of Bullyade
  • ½ cup or 100 grams of boiled or steamed sweet potatoes
  • 2 cups or 180 grams of rolled or quick oats (optional)
  • 2 tbsp. of canola or coconut oil
  • 21/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 Cup of water


  • Preheat your oven to 350℉
  • Add the two scoops of Bullyade in water and set it aside to dissolve
  • In a bowl, mash the sweet potatoes and set aside
  • In a different bowl, add the coconut oil, Bullyade, oats, and eggs then whisk into a fine mixture
  • Add the flour in bits as you begin to knead the contents into a fine dough. A food processor will speed up things
  • When the dough is ready (slightly firm and not sticky) allow it to rest
  • On a flat surface, sprinkle some flour then roll out the dough. A thickness of about 3-4 mm is perfect.
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper before you start cutting the dough
  • Using a cookie cutter to cut perfect shapes out of the dough. Having several different cookie cutters allows you to bake the best assortment of treats.
  • Place the cut dough onto the baking trays and transfer into the oven
  • The cookies doggy-treats should take 25 – 30 minutes before they are done. The best test is to poke the cookies with a fork towards the end to test their hardness. If they are dry and slightly hard, they are done
  • Place the baking tray aside for the doggy treats to cool.

That’s it! Now share your tasty creation with your pup and let him nibble in approval.

Baking tips

  • Don’t have cookie cutters? No problem aluminum foil can be folded into any shape to make a perfect cutter. Your knife can do the job too
  • Store the cookies in an airtight container to keep them fresh for longer.

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