How to Make Healthy Gummies- Gelatin for Dogs with Bullyade

gelatin for dogs

How to Make Healthy Gummies- Gelatin for Dogs with Bullyade

Hello Gummies, is that you? Follow this quick and fun recipe to make your dog the yummiest gummies packed with loads of healthy gelatin for dogs.

Gelatin for dogs did you know…

Gelatin is a water soluble-protein that carries great benefits for your dog’s health. This protein is found in animal ligaments, tissues, bones, tendons, and skin. Dogs that are on a raw-food diet get plenty of gelatin from fresh meat.

Gelatin has inflammatory properties that improve the symptoms of osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative bone disease. Moreover, gelatin protects the stomach lining and provides relief to digestive ailments like pet diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. Gelatin is also a quick and natural remedy for pet tummy-aches.

There is one other benefit of gelatin to your dog’s gut health. This soluble-protein triggers the release of digestive juices making it easy for your pup to process grains and carbohydrates. Gelatin will also help your dog as many proteins as possible to build his strong body.

Gelatin for dogs Fun fact…

Gelatin contains no traces of cholesterol or bad fats. So Charlie won’t drop a pot-belly from having one too many!

Gelatin for dogs Ingredients

  • ¼ cup hot water

  • ¼ cup cold water

  • 1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin

  • 2 scoops of Bullyade

Gelatin for dog directions

Pour the cold water into a bowl then add the two scoops of Bullyade. In a different bowl, add the gelatin then pour the hot water. Whisk the gelatin in the hot water until it dissolves completely. Add the Bullyade mixture and whisk again until you get a uniform mixture.

Now you need a container to freeze the mixture. Use ice cube trays in case you want the Gummies to come out in tiny uniform cubes. Alternatively, you can use your glass baking pan to product one huge gelatin chunk. Any container that can be used for molding the gelatin will work.

Chill the gelatin mixture for about three hours. After, break a few pieces off the ice trays or cut small treats from the glass baking pan and feed your dog. Put the remaining gummies in the refrigerator and leave it chilled for at most four days.

Gelatin for dogs important info before we go…

Never use flavored gelatin because it contains artificial sweeteners that may upset your dog’s tummy. Moreover, you are free to throw in more ingredients to make the gummies super-tasty. Add coconut water, parsley, cinnamon, or pumpkin to add a kick of flavor in the gelatin treats.

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