Manganese Benefits in Dogs

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Manganese Benefits in Dogs

Manganese in dogs is not produced naturally, therefore, it must be obtained through healthy diets and pet supplements. Whether you are feeding your dog a raw diet or commercial kibble, the common factor is that you have to balance his minerals right.

Too much of a mineral can cause toxicity and other health problems. On the other hand, too little of the same mineral can lead to deficiency. Balancing the minerals in your dog’s diet can be tricky, however, there are tips and tricks that can guide you in providing your dog with the right mineral intake.

Manganese requirements in dogs

Like all other minerals, manganese requirements on your dog will depend on certain factors. These factors include his diet, size, age, breed, activity, and health status. We explain each of them further.

Your dog needs small portions of the mineral manganese in his diet to remain healthy. Pet nutrition experts recommend 2.3 mg of the mineral per pound of dog food. For size, bigger dogs will require more of the mineral compared to smaller ones. In addition, younger dogs, like puppies, will need a large dose of manganese to aid in their growth.

Manganese dosage in dogs also depends on the breed. There are some breeds of dogs- like the Alaskan malamute- that have a hard time absorbing minerals in their body. Therefore, such dogs will require a higher dose to make up for lost minerals. Finally, if your dog is stressed or sick, there is a likelihood that his mineral intake is affected. Therefore, he will require his mineral intake upped to recover faster.

Benefits of manganese in dogs

Most minerals share the same functions, in both the human and animal body, when absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, a lot of the benefits derived from manganese will be similar to those derived from other minerals.

Manganese helps your dog to digest and absorb proteins and carbohydrates he gets from his diet. Furthermore, this mineral also acts as a catalyst in over 300 enzyme functions in your dog’s body. Some of these enzymatic actions include the conversion of food into energy and fatty acids.

Manganese in dogs, combined with other minerals, assist in the formation of a healthy skeletal structure. This is why you will find more of the mineral in the bones than any other parts of the body. Manganese also aids in the optimum functioning of your dog’s internal organs. Organs such as the liver and the kidneys function effectively which in turn promotes good health in your dog.

If you want your dog to look youthful for days, ensure he gets his manganese. This mineral is an active antioxidant that stops oxidation in your dog’s body. Internal oxidation releases free radicals that are harmful to body cells.

Sources of manganese

If your pooch is on a raw diet plan, ensure he gets plenty of organ meat on his menu. In addition, he will also get plenty of manganese in whole grains like rice and nuts like almonds and peanuts. The mineral manganese is also present in veggies but this one you have to feed him sparingly.

You can also find a quality dry food that has lots of manganese in its ingredients. Alternatively, you may opt for pet supplements with manganese as one of the added minerals.

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