Phosphorus (Dicalcium Phosphate) Benefits in Dogs

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Phosphorus (Dicalcium Phosphate) Benefits in Dogs

Phosphorus is abundantly found in most foods consumed by both humans and animals. Phosphorus in dogs combines with minerals like calcium to support and maintain your dog’s health. The mineral also works behind the scene acting as a catalyst for various bodily functions.

Phosphorus is easily absorbed in the body compared to other minerals. Therefore, there is a high possibility for your pooch to be overwhelmed with too many phosphates in his blood. To be safe, animal experts provide a simple way to track the levels of phosphorus in your dog’s diet.

Benefits of Phosphorus

Phosphorus in dogs is important for the support of healthy kidney function. Your pup needs his kidney healthy to effectively flush out toxins from his body through urine. This, in turn, helps him maintain the best shape health-wise.

Secondly, phosphorus helps in muscle contractions which aid in motor functions. This helps your pooch perform normal functions like walking, chewing, or trailing by your side during your morning runs. Also, phosphorus helps your dog maintain a normal heart rate, especially during exercise.

Phosphorus combines with other enzymes in the body to aid in various bodily functions. Such enzymes include thiamin, niacin, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. Interestingly, phosphorus is also a major component that helps in the breakdown of calcium.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of phosphorus is in the process of energy transfer and storage. Energy is stored as the compound ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) in your dog’s body. ATP is used to fuel all bodily functions such as cell division, food digestion, and waste secretion.

Right amounts of phosphorus for your dog

Small dogs or puppies require about 0.6% to 1.3% of phosphorus in their diet. Large breed dogs that are normally docile will require at most 1% of phosphorus in their diet. On the other hand, large dogs with an active lifestyle need at most 0.9% phosphorus in their diet. Older dogs that are almost coming of age will require at most 0.7 phosphorus in their diet.

Sources of Phosphorus in dog food

Phosphorus is abundantly found in proteins. This means that your dog needs a diet rich in proteins to give him the right amounts of the mineral. There are three ways to ensure these minerals are present in your dog’s diet.

The first option is to feed your dog high-quality dry kibble. Commercially bought dog food normally has a list of the ingredients available in the meal. Always check the label description to see how much protein/phosphorus it contains.

The second way to ensure your dog gets his phosphates is through a raw food diet. This is by far the easiest way to control the calcium-phosphate ratio in his food.  Meat rich in phosphorus for your dog includes poultry such as chicken, turkey, and duck. Other meat sources include pork, beef, rabbit, and lamb. Some game birds also contain enough proteins for your pooch to consume.

Thirdly, your pooch can get his phosphate intake through pet supplements. Supplements are a safe option for those have no idea how to balance the minerals and vitamins in their dog’s meals. In addition, if you struggle to find quality food for your pooch, supplements will provide him with the minerals he needs for growth.


Phosphorus is a mineral that works behind the scenes to ensure your dog lives a happy healthy life. This mineral occurs naturally in dog food but you may also facilitate it as supplements in your dog’s diet.

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