Complete Owners Guide on How to Take Care of a New Dog

how to care for new dog

Taking in a pet dog is one of the most rewarding moments in life. However, how well you care for your new dog will determine if they are a source of joy or menace in your home. Here is a quick guide on how to raise a pup that is a no-brainer even for the first time dog owner. Raising a new dog can be challenging but also rewarding. The trick lies in knowing how to handle his needs at the different stages of life; right from when he is a puppy to when he is fully grown.

Get him his own space

Before you bring home a new dog, ensure he will have a place to sleep or rest when he is not out exploring. A doggy crate with a warm blanket for him will suffice. You can also throw in a squeaky toy or two to keep him busy especially on the times you will be away from home.

On the other hand, if your pooch will be sleeping outside, he will need a proper dog house. There are ready-made dog houses on sale today that suits canine pets of different sizes. Alternatively, you can choose to build your pooch his own dog houses with simple DIY tips from the internet.

Feed the new dog quality food

Your pup will need quality food to ensure he grows healthy and strong. First, you need to get him his own feeding and drinking bowls. Then you have to decide whether you will feed him commercial kibble or start him off on a raw-food diet.  If you go with kibble, you need to ensure it is high quality with plenty of nutrients in it (Like MiracleVet). Do a little research to discover the best brands of kibble available today. On the other hand, raw food diet packs all the necessary nutrients to keep your dog healthy. You only need to research the best choice meats that will supply your dog with plenty of nutrients and multivitamins.

Dog Exercising

Exercising is important for your dog’s physique. The frequency and intensity of exercises will depend on your dog’s breed and size. Large dogs will require intense exercise sessions to keep fit. Small dogs like toy breeds require moderate exercising because they burn out quickly.

Dog Training

If you are to raise a well-behaved dog, you have to train him from when he is a pup. Take into account the dog’s temperament during training. Some dogs have delicate egos and need you to be gentle when training them. Other dogs can be a menace and stubborn so you have to a little bit authoritative for the training to be successful.

Grooming your puppy

Regular grooming is necessary for your pooch to maintain his attractive appearance. Brush his coat regularly to ensure it remains smooth and does not tangle. Wash him frequently as well, ensuring you clean his ears, eyes, and teeth thoroughly. Invest in quality dog shampoos that contain harmless ingredients that kill parasites and also feed his coat nutrients.

Vet visits

Your dog needs to visit the vet regularly to get his regular shots and his health checked. Puppies require the most medical attention because they are still developing their immune system. A professional vet may also help you come up with a healthy meal plan and exercise routine for your dog. The vet may also recommend suitable pet supplements to boost the nutrient intake of your pup.


Raising a new pup doesn’t have to feel like rocket science. The above tips should help boost your pet parenting skills and give you the peace of mind that your pup is being well taken care of. Last but not least, get your pet some Bullyade.  Bullyade will ensure your puppy gets all the vitamins and minerals needed to help him grow throughout all life stages.

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