Zinc For Dogs: How The Mineral Zinc Benefits Your Dog

zinc for dogs

Your dog needs the mineral zinc as much as you do. However, zinc for dogs is administered in smaller doses because too much of it can cause health problems. Nevertheless, with enough zinc in his food every day he should grow to be a happy and contented dog. 

It can be a little tricky balancing the minerals in your dog’s food. However, many dog owners are doing it with zinc supplements for dogs. Moreover, supplements also come in handy if you cannot find a proper meal for your canine friend. 

Sources of zinc for dogs

Dogs get their required amount of zinc from bones and meat. However, if your dog is on a kibble diet, ensure you are feeding him high-quality kibble to guarantee a sufficient intake of zinc. Zinc can also be found in fish and, if your dog loves cereals, in corn, oats, and wheat. 

Benefits of Zinc for dogs

Zinc plays an integral role in the health of your dog. At the DNA level, zinc is one of the core minerals for DNA synthesis which triggers cell growth. In addition, zinc plays an integral role in over 600 enzyme actions in your dog’s body. 

Zinc for dogs stimulates the secretion of various hormones in a dog’s body. Some of these hormones include thyroid hormone, growth hormone, insulin, and cortisone. They play a big role in the proper growth of your dog and also affect his overall mood. 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of Zinc is in how it maintains healthy skin on your pooch. You can easily know if your dog is zinc deficient if his coat looks dull, dry with the hairs falling off. Zinc also prevents dermatological problems in dogs; especially dogs that are predisposed to skin problems. 

Finally, zinc for dogs is integral if your pooch is to maintain good eyesight, proper skeletal structure, and optimum cognitive function. 

Who needs zinc for dogs?

Your pooch needs zinc right from when he is a pup to when he becomes a grown mature dog. The standard amount of zinc required by a dog will depend on many factors among them his age, breed, and health. Moreover, the Association of Feed Control Officials– tasked with setting the guidelines for mineral intake in animals- set the amount of zinc per day in dogs as follows. 

For small puppies, a minimum dose of  120 mg per kg of feed is enough to nourish them. Similarly, mature dogs will require the same dose of 120 mg/kg of Zinc to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For performance dogs, the dose is upped to 130 mg/kg of feed to maintain their active lifestyle. 

Vets may also recommend the same dosage of 130 mg/kg if your pooch is sickly. In addition, there are breeds of dogs- like the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky- that have a problem with absorbing zinc in their body. Such dogs will require a higher than normal dosage of zinc to remain healthy. All in all, zinc for dogs dosage should never exceed 1000 mg or 1500 mg in their diet. 

Check out our new Bullyade soft chews for puppies!

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