Dog Diarrhea Causes and How to Stop It.

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Causes of Dog Diarrhea and How to Stop It.

So your pooch is making a mess only that this time he is not knocking things over or leaving muddy paw prints on your carpet. He is leaving stinky discolored puddles behind that are not only disgusting but quite alarming as well.

Yes, pet diarrhea happens to dogs too, but you can save both of you the embarrassment or even a trip to the vet.

Dog diarrhea is common in puppies but can happen to mature dogs as well. If your canine friend is leaving stinky watery puddles around, there could be a number of causes for this. In most cases, it is nothing alarming but perhaps little indigestion or change of a diet. On the other hand, if he exhibits additional symptoms like lethargy or body weakness, a trip to the vet is in order! Signs of Worms.

Bullyade can help with hydration when your dog is having these issues.

Causes of Loose Stool in dogs

There are a number of things that could be giving your dog a runny stomach. It could be something he ingested or a deep-lying infection. To be sure, here are possible causes to consider.

  • Food Intolerance

Maybe your pooch is having a hard time digesting a particular brand of kibble. It could also be an ingredient on the menu he does not like. Switching up his diet can help overcome this.

  • Dietary Change

Switching your dog’s diet could also give him the doggie runs. It means he is still getting accustomed to the new palate. Switching your pooch’s diet should be a slow gradual process to give his digestive system time to adjust. If the symptoms still persist, then he is having a different problem.

  • Indigestible Foreign Body

A watery stool could also mean your dog swallowed a foreign object. Perhaps it is one of his toys or a happy sock he pulled out from the dirty laundry. The best way to be sure is to have his tummy x-rayed in a vet clinic.

  • Eating too much junk

Junk here means anything your dog eats that falls outside his normal diet. Maybe your kid feeds him plenty of churros in your absence. Or maybe he likes to chew on anything he finds while playing in your backyard. Either way, you have to control and watch what he eats at all times.

  • Intestinal Infection

If your pet’s loose stool is persistent and increasing in intensity, your dog could be having an intestinal or urinary infection. Gut infections are commonly caused by worms, bacteria, or a virus. Puppies usually have a strong immune system that will fight off the infection. For large dogs, persistent diarrhea can also mean their immune system is too weak to clear the infection. In both cases, a trip to the vets is a must to get the right medication for him.

Simple Home Remedies for Pet diarrhea

If your dog is having pet diarrhea, there is no need to be alarmed. There are plenty of home solutions that can mitigate the problem. White rice is one way to coat your pet’s stomach. Feeding your dog plain pumpkin can also tone down the symptoms of constipation or diarrhea. Special herbs like fennel are known to soot the guts of pets as well. Some over-the-counter medicines include Pepto Bismal.  Giving your pet one tea spoon of pepto will coat their stomach and give them some relief.

Above all, ensure your dog is properly hydrated as he recuperates from his illness. You also need to up their electrolytes and vitamins with a sports drink like Bullyade.  This is to strengthen his immune system so he can fight gut infections.

Bullyade supports your pets digestive system. Manganese, Iodine, Zinc, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E support a healthy digestion, the kidney and bladder, and also boosts the immune system.

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