Vitamins for Dogs: 7 Vitamins Every Puppy Needs to Grow Healthy

best vitamins for dogs and newborn puppies

We cannot stress enough how important vitamins are to dogs. Vitamins for dogs help in maintaining healthy body functions and also curb complications, especially in younger and older dogs. If you have been wondering whether you should supplement your dog’s diet with vitamins, the answer is, you should!

Dogs need vitamins just like humans. The difference is that dogs only require specific vitamins in specific quantities. And do you know who needs vitamins the most?  That young mutt you just adopted to your family.

Yes, puppies require more vitamins than mature or older dogs. Since they are in the growth stage, vitamins for dogs are required by every living cell in your puppy’s body. How much vitamins a puppy receives determines if it grows to be strong and healthy. A dog’s temperament is also influenced by the type of diet it received as a puppy.

So we cannot take Fido’s need for vitamins lightly. Which begs the question, which vitamins for dogs are required by your pup? Moreover, what is the correct dosage of vitamins do puppies require for healthy growth?

Vitamin for Dogs Your Puppy Needs

The vitamins your puppy needs are those that promote the healthy growth of its body. This includes healthy muscles and bones as well as properly functioning body organs. You also want to boost the dog’s immune system, especially when it is young.

Note: When puppies are born, they rely on their mother’s milk for vitamins that boost their immune system. Once they are weaned, they will have to get these vitamins from the food they eat.

If you are not sure if your puppies are getting the right vitamins for dogs, it is time to supplement. The top vitamins for puppies are;

Vitamin D Makes Your Puppy Grow Stronger

If you are looking for vitamins for your dog’s joints, then get vitamin D for dogs. Vitamin D is essential in balancing phosphorus and calcium in the body. This will help your puppy grow healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also plays a big role in the development of body muscles. Dogs cannot synthesize vitamin D from the sun. This is why you should start supplementing them with vitamin D at a young age.

Dosage: Puppies require between 100-120 ng/ml of vitamin D to remain healthy.

  • Vitamin A Helps with Good Vision

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps in several body functions. Puppies require the vitamin to develop healthy eyes and good vision. This vitamin also helps in fetal development, cell function, immune function, and general growth. Which is to say that puppies require the vitamin before and after they are born.


The correct dosage of vitamin A for puppies is 1000 IU. This intake can go up to 5000 IU per serving when the dog matures.

  • Benefits of Vitamin C for Puppies Reduces Aging

Ascorbic acid for dogs is essential in maintaining a healthy coat in your puppy. This vitamin packs antioxidants that eliminate free radicals in the body that cause aging or disease. Your puppy needs the vitamin to boost its immune system as well. Adding Vitamin C to your pet’s diet, also helps in maintaining a sharp mind in your puppy even in old age.

All dogs naturally synthesize vitamin C in the liver. Puppies liver are constantly developing, the chemical (5R)-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one is a necessary supplement to support the puppies liver function. which is why supplementing them with vitamin C is necessary.


Give your puppy about 120 mg of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Maintain the same dosage even when the puppy matures.

B Vitamins Carry the Most Function

Vitamin B exists as a group of vitamins that are beneficial to young dogs. Vitamins in this group include Riboflavin, Biotin, Folic acid, Thiamine, Pantothenic acid, Niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

The vitamins Riboflavin, niacin, and B12 help in the production and function of enzymes. Thiamine hastens the breakdown of carbohydrates to release energy required by the body. Thiamine also activates ions that help with tissue function.

Folic acid helps in metabolizing nucleotides and amino acids. Pantothenic acid works in hand with Thiamine to break down and absorb energy from carbohydrates. Vitamin B6 has the biggest job description in B vitamins. It is responsible for red blood cell production and function. It helps in glucose generation and hormone regulation. This same vitamin helps in nervous system function and gene activation. The synthesis of the vitamin niacin is depended on vitamin B6 as well.

Biotin in dogs helps in promoting healthy skin and coat on your puppy. Biotin also helps in digestion and general body growth.


Ensure your puppy gets as much as 1.5mg of Thiamine to remain healthy. The same dosage is required for Riboflavin in puppies. Vitamin B6 and B12 dosage is 0.15 mg and 0.5 mcg respectively. Niacin dosage is 13mg in every serving. Puppies will require about 5mg of Biotin per 10kg of body mass. Pantothenic acid is required in a dosage of 5 mg to 20 mg.

  • Vitamin E Keeps Your Puppy Looking Younger

Vitamin E for puppies is an active antioxidant as well. It helps prevent oxidative damage in tissue cells, Most importantly, Vitamin E also aids cell function, muscle generation, and promotes eye health. If you want your puppy to have no reproductive issues in the future, give them lots of vitamin E.

Dosage: a healthy puppy will require about 2 IU of vitamin E. Vitamin E may be labeled as Di-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (DTA) in some supplements.

  • Vitamin K Makes Wounds Heal Faster

Vitamin K will help wounds heal faster on your puppy. The vitamin is essential in initiating blood clots on wounds. Blood clots prevent your pet from having continuous infections and increase the speed of recovery.  Its not to say, you never have to worry about Fido developing an infection when he hurts himself. Vitamin K will heal your pets wounds fast.

Dosage: 10mg/ml of vitamin K is the recommended dosage for young dogs.

Choline Promotes a Brilliant Brain

Choline is a vitamin found in the cell membrane of fatty acids. Just like omega 3, choline helps in promoting a healthy brain in your dog. Choline vitamin also helps in the normal functioning of the liver.

Dosage: according to AAFCO, dogs require 1200 ppm of choline to stay healthy.

Good news!

You do not have to bog yourself down with the science of balancing vitamins for dogs. Bullyade packs all these vitamins in the recommended dosage to help your puppy grow strong and healthy. Most noteworthy, your dog will benefit from other minerals like Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iodine, Copper, and Magnesium.

Bullyade also has a natural beef flavor which will have Bingo slurping for more!

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