How to Add Weight on Your Dog and Save Money

how to add weight on your dog

How to add weight to your dog is easier than you think. Forget the flashy commercials that ask you to spend huge dollars on high-quality dog food. You only need to do the following to help your dog gain and maintain weight.

Bullyade can also be added as a vitamin that will help aid your dog is getting all the nutrients he needs.  The reason you want to add a supplement like Bullyade is your pet usually cannot get everything they need from their food.

Get Your Pet Checked

Take your pooch to a professional vet to have him checked. You want to rule out the possibility of disease or any physical condition that might be preventing your dog from adding weight. Your dog’s BMI is checked as well to ensure their height to weight ratio is proportional.

There are several health reasons that might be preventing your pooch from adding weight. One is poor nutrition where the dog does not receive enough nutrients in his meals. There is also a possibility that your dog is being underfed a problem you can fix by increasing his proportions. Poor dental health, especially for dogs with canine periodontal disease, may affect your dog’s ability to feed properly.

Parasites like worms, ticks, and fleas can also be a cause of weight loss in dogs. Poor weight is often accompanied by vomiting, scooting, distended abdomen, and diarrhea. Diabetes in dogs is also a major caught of poor weight in dogs. Dog breeds that are likely to develop diabetes include Poodles, Australian Terriers, Dachshunds, and Miniature Schnauzers; this list is not exhaustive, consult with your vet to ensure your dog is not at risk of diabetes.

Consider a High-Quality Diet

If your pup has no underlying disease and his BMI is normal, your vet might recommend switching his old meals with a high-quality diet. Before switching your dog’s plate, understand that his digestive system is very delicate. Sudden changes in diet could upset his stomach and cause vomiting or diarrhea.


Start by mixing his meals with 20% of the new diet with 80% of the old one. Gradually increase the new diet while lessening the old one until you reach 100% of the new diet. Your pooch might still face digestive issues but they will not be severe and will clear in time. However, if the symptoms persist, then you have to consult with your vet. Your pup might be allergic to an ingredient in the new food product.

We cannot fail to consider the debate between high-quality dry food (kibble) when thinking about how to add weight on your dog. The truth is both diets are fine as long as your pooch is getting the required amounts of diet a day.

Manage his Portions

Part of knowing how to add weight to your dog is by managing his food portions. Feeding him two large meals a day is not the way to go as he is more likely to stay skinny or go obese which is not what we want. What you need to do is divide his meals into smaller portions to be given throughout the day.

A good place to start is by feeding him three portions in 4-hour intervals. This ensures his body is constantly digesting and absorbing nutrients throughout the day. You also want to start him off on a smaller portion then end his meal with a higher portion and we will tell you why.

Weight gain in dogs is a little similar to weight gain in humans. Your doctor tells you not to eat a large portion when you go to sleep as most of this food will be digested and stored as fats. We want to use this science to help your dog gain weight. Feeding him a larger portion before he sleeps ensures some of the food is transformed into fats which will help in weight gain.

However, be wary of too much fat in his system as it will make him obese and sloppy.

Weight Gain Supplements

Switching your dog to a high-quality diet will mean spending more money on dog food. Not all of us have that extra buck to spend on quality meat products or dry kibble. Fortunately, weight gain supplements are an inexpensive way to boost weight gain in your dog.

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Weight gain supplements like Bullyade are packed with plenty of multivitamins and minerals that your dog needs. You don’t even have to switch your dog’s diet completely. Just sprinkle some Bullyade on his food before he eats and later add some to his drinking water. Your pup will absorb nutrients from supplements faster allowing him to get more from his meals.

Healthy Weight Gain Treats

Healthy treats are fantastic for promoting gains in dogs. In fact, it is one of the most inexpensive ways on how to add weight to your dog. Consider feeding him healthy treats that are rich in fats, fiber, and other minerals in between his meals.

Three ingredients that should never miss out in his treats are pumpkin, sweet potato, and peanut butter. Dogs gain a lot of healthy fats from peanut butter which is also a rich source of protein. So in case you are finding it expensive to purchase more meat proteins, consider peanut butter.

Pumpkin and sweet potatoes are rich sources of fiber and natural sugar. Fiber helps with your pooch’s digestive system while natural sugars are a source of calories. Dogs love pumpkin and do not mind having it raw or cooked. However, if your pup never tasted pumpkin in his life, he may not find this new palette welcoming. However, your pooch will definitely enjoy peanut-butter cookies loaded with pumpkin goodness.


Your dog must be exercised to help him add weight.  Walking is a great way to accomplish this. Exercising helps your dog burn calories, utilize excess body fats, and build muscle. In addition, working out increases your dog’s appetite to eat more. This is why you should feed him more portions later in the night after his exercise.

Let him rest for at least 30 minutes, or more, after a meal, before taking him out for exercise. This ensures he digests most of the food he eats and prevents him from bloating. Consult a local vet to help you find a balance between diet and exercise for your dog.  And always make sure your dog is hydrated, especially during the summer.

how to add weight on your dog

Also, a vet helps formulate a diet-exercise plan that suits your dog’s breed; given some dog breeds are more active, and have a higher metabolic rate, than others.


Now you know how to add weight on your dog and still save some dollars. Which other best dog food to add weight do you know of? Let us know in the comment section below.

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